Todd had the pleasure of co-instructing the 2nd iteration of the short course on Phylogenetic Comparative Analysis of Integrated Anatomical Traits at the SSB 2020 meeting in Gainesville – aka Systematics in the Swamp. The course was made available as a R package, so students can follow along with the vignettes. To make things even easier, Hilmar Lapp has now published it as a Code Ocean capsule, so anyone can do this in a web browser, without having to worry about installing R packages and dependencies. Try it out and let us know what you think.
For links and more info, check out the Phenoscape blog.
After the course, the SCATE team had excellent meeting with our advisors (Scott Chamberlain, Emily Jane McTavish, Brian Sidlauskas, Pam Soltis, and Paul Thomas). Many thanks to Pam and the U Florida Biodiversity Institute for hosting!